AIBC Thailand personnel routinely undertake school visits in order to inspect facilities, meet with key senior management representatives, chat with students and gain a better ‘feel’ for the learning and pastoral environments on offer.
First hand observations can then be shared in an impartial and honest manner with prospective pupils and their families. An alphabetical record of visits undertaken in recent years can be found below and don’t hesitate to ask should more in-depth information on any of these schools be required.
Schools list J-P
Schools list Q-Z

Office Address: 347 Villa Nakarin, Sukhapiban 2 Road, Soi 1 Prawet, Bangkok 10250 Thailand
Phone: +66 2024 9054, +66 89 109 9608, +66 80 602 3888
Fax: +66 2024 9055
LINE ID: @aibcthailand
Homepage picture: Sasin Tipchai
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